Monday, June 2, 2008


In our society, a convergence is required, or a compromise is required. Or else, a better personality would do – someone who is not in the first standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution of the ideas of our society. Well, by this I mean on the positive half of the Gaussian of course. There are numerous examples to prove this, and the best one is how people have good idea that some things are bound to occur or understand well the causality of different events. Convergence as such may be very difficult to achieve. It requires a fine equilibrium – mental and social. It requires perseverance as well as patience. If the fine equilibrium of convergence is disturbed, the situation gets converted to an avalanche of ignorance, which gets intensified by perseverance, a simple effect of funnel shaped free energy landscape of the entire situation (the goal is to reach the bottom of the funnel together). The avalanche should be dealt with patience and a stable mind set. Since convergence is not an equilibrium situation, an avalanche is quite inevitable I believe. But the avalanche can be controlled. That’s the key – by moving up the free energy curve. But, that requires work. And yes, moving up the free energy curve requires thermal energy. Higher the thermal energy, better the chances of saving the avalanche. Confused? Its crystal clear to me!

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