Sunday, July 10, 2011

India trip

This time my visit to India was longer than usual. When you stay longer, you are no longer a tourist. You become part of the society. You stop planning your everyday visits. Living in a place is very different from visiting it. This trip was very interesting. I jot down below the major things I remember from the trip:
1. Politics was most interesting this time - Anna Hazare and co. vs the uncivil society aka political leadership
2. Delhi's ring road is now totally green. North to South Delhi travel by car takes as little as 15 mins at 1 AM, 40 mins during the day (non-office hours). I still did not dare to drive during office hours.
3. It appears 1 rupee coin is no longer in circulation. Shopkeepers distribute candies instead. Do they keep a different variety for diabetic shoppers?
4. RTI act is showing its mark - policemen have stopped taking bribes, government officials have started responding to even email complaints. I was challaned for Rs 100. (there is no zero missing).
5. The water situation has significantly improved in Delhi. For the first time in the last 12-15 years, I was able to take shower in fresh water during the day.
6. Inflation is rocking - you need to carry at least Rs 10,000 if you are going out.
7. Delhi metro has reached Gurgaon and the airport. It is so convenient to reach Gurgaon now.
8. Some of my friends are now faculty members in IIT.
9. India's doctors work very hard and are very good.
10. Bollywood scriptwriters have crowned investment bankers as the coolest people in the World.
11. It is still life as usual for most people.